The life of the “RogerRover”

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Life’s Mountains vs Mankind

The hardest part of Mankind’s life is to be Adventurous, To Seek, To Explore, To dream And to do. These can be like running a Marathon straight up the side of Mount Everest. Winding us out before we hit mile marker one and giving up. Personally I am guilty of this  Analogy as when I was hit with MS in 2006 and Paralyzed for a while, I got winded with each step until I hit the top of  My own personal Mount Everest in my Personal Life and Left California.

To put it Lightly…One small step for me was taking giant leaps and bounds to regain my Past and Future….

… Even to this day , each step I take is an adventure in my journey of life.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The following are images of what I hope to see on my journey  across America and will eventually  replace these with my own. I hope I can get my eye for photography back and do  my Friend Deborah Brant some justice and get even one tenth of her skills.

Fall trees with snowy mountains

More test Eye Candy

If you enjoy the images above some more is in store for you below…

The video below is a test of how I will be able to insert my own, once I make a few with the ole go pro or drone.

He who stands on ones own foot, 

       ….will never be able to walk life’s path.

Roger Titus

Thanks for testing Gutenberg!
